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Yao Chi Jin Mu Pu Du Shou Yuan Ding Hui Jie Tuo Zhen Jing


Jade Pond Golden Mother's Authentic Scripture of Universal Deliverance, Retrieval of Perfection, and Liberation through Meditative Stability and Wisdom

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Gong qing Wu ji yao chi da sheng xi wang jin mu bao gao zhi xin gui min li (3x)

恭請  無極瑤池大聖西王金母寶誥   志心皈命禮(三稱)

Sincerely Invoke the revelation of Jewel Scroll of Primordial Jade Pond Eminent Holy Queen Golden Mother of the West, Faithfully we bow in reverence.

Da sheng da ci. Wu ji yao chi da sheng xi wang jin mu da tian zun (san cheng shi er kou)

大聖大慈。 無極瑤池大聖西王金母大天尊。 (三稱十二叩)
O' Great Holy and Great Compassion, Great Celestially Venerated Primordial Jade Pond Eminent Holy Queen Golden Mother of the West (3 recitations and 12 bows)


Shi shi. Tian di kai tai Wu ji sheng mu. Long hua sheng hui yan yao chi.

是時。天地开泰。 無極聖母。 龍華勝會宴瑤池。
At a time, When Heaven and Earth were prospering, Primordial Holy Mother held a supreme Dragon-Blossom Banquet at Jade Pond.


Wan ling tong yu chuan jiao zhi. Zhu xian xian shou. Lie sheng cheng shang.

萬靈統御傳教旨。 諸仙獻壽。 列聖稱觴。

Ruler of innumerable multitude of sentient beings promulgating the essence of Tao teachings. Numerous immortals arrived bearing gifts. Saints of many eras toasted to Her honor,

Tian wei zhi chi. Gong gao de zhong. Dai xie chuan heng. Xian zhu dao zong.

天威咫尺。 功高德重。 代燮權衡。 仙主道宗。
In the presence of great celestial majesty, Her merits and virtues were great and immense. Harmonizing and governing the great power of yin-yang, Lord of immortals and Master of Tao.


San qian shi nu. Zou sheng huang zhi tian yue. Bai sui pan tao. Kai jin bi zhi ling yuan.

三千侍女。 奏笙簧之天樂。 百歲蟠桃。 開金碧之靈園。
Three thousand female attendants. Performed celestial music with flutes. Celestial peaches yielded after (five) hundred of years. Leading to the opening of golden green spiritual garden.

Jiu zhong sheng zhi ku nan. Sa gan lu yu chen huan. Da bei da yuan. Da sheng da ci.

救眾生之苦難。 灑甘露於塵寰。 大悲大願。 大聖大慈。
Rescuing the sentient beings in sufferings. Sprinkling sweet nectars onto the defiled world. Great Mercy and Great Vow, Great Holy and Great Compassion

Wu ji yao chi da sheng xi wang jin mu da tian zun (san cheng shi er kou)
無極瑤池大聖西王金母大天尊。 (三稱十二叩)
Great Celestially Venerated Primordial Jade Pond Eminent Holy Queen Golden Mother of the West (3 recitations and 12 bows)

Shi shi. Yao chi jin mu. Zai wu ji guang zhong. Ming cai nu dong shuang cheng xian gu chuan jing yan.

是時。瑤池金母。 在無極光中。      命彩女董雙成仙姑恭傳經言。
At that time, In the light of primordial, Jade Pond Golden Mother instructed immortal rainbow maiden Shuang-Cheng Dong to transmit scripture.


Jin mu yue. Zi gu wu shi. Xuan xuan shang ren. Chuan dao yu mu gong. Mu gong chuan dao yu wu.
金母曰。  自古吾師。 玄玄上人。 傳道於木公。 木公傳道於吾。
Golden Mother said: In primordial time, My teacher, Mystery of Mysteries Saint, transmitted Tao teachings to King Father of the East (Mu-gong). Then, King Father of the East transmitted Tao teachings to me.


Er hou kou kou xiang chuan. Bu ji wen zhi.

而後口口相傳。 不記文字。
Henceforth, the transmission has been passed down orally. Never been written.


Er jin tian kai hong dao. Pu du dong lin. Yuan shi ren. Zao qiu ming shi.

而今 天開宏道。 普度東林。 願世人。 早求明師。
The heaven widen the path today. Universally deliver East Forest sentient beings and wish all sentient beings promptly seeking enlightened teachers.


Can tou xin xing. Wu ru hong chen huo zhai. Duo zhi shen yi. Chu zhi shen nan.
參透心性。 無如紅塵火宅。 墮之甚易。 出之甚難。
Decipher the nature of heart, it is no different than a burning house in the defiled world. It is easy to fall into a trap, but difficult to get out of it.


Ruo wu hui li. He neng jie tuo. Yu qiu jie tuo. Xian xu ding hui.
若無慧力。 何能解脫。 欲求解脫。 先須定慧。
Without the power of wisdom, How can one be liberated? To seek liberation, One must first attain meditative stability and wisdom.


Shi ci hang da shi he zhang gong jing. Er bai mu yan.
時 慈航大士合掌恭敬。 而白母言。

Then, With palms joined, Compassion-Travel Mahasattva (Avalokitesvara Bodhisattva) respectfully asked Golden Mother,


Yuan mu kai fang bian zhi men. Shuo jie tuo zhi dao. Zhong sheng zhi xing. Ze ci hang zhi xing ye.

願母開方便之門。 說解脫之道。 眾生之幸。 則慈航之幸也。

Wishing Mother to grant a big favor, please expounds the path of liberation. As the wellbeing of sentient beings, Shall be me, Compassion-Travel’s wellbeing too.


Er shi Jin mu ci yan da yue. Dui ci hang da shi yan.

爾時。 金母慈顏大悅。 對慈航大士言。

At time, The compassionate appearance of Golder Mother showed great delight. She said to Compassion-Travel Mahasattva,


Er yi da ci xin. Xian hua dong tu. Jin yi jie tuo xiang qing.

爾以大慈心。 顯化東土。 今以解脫相請。
With great compassion in heart, You manifest emanations in the Land of East. Now you request for the teaching of liberation,


Er qi jing ting. Wu wei xuan shuo pu du shou yuan ding hui jie tuo zhen jing.

爾其靜聽。 吾為宣說普度收圓定慧解脫真經。
You shall listen attentively. I will expound you the Authentic Scripture of Universal Deliverance, Retrieval of Perfection, and Liberation through Meditative Stability and Wisdom.

Pi shi. Tian fang xiang guang. Cai yun rao hu. Luan he shi wei. Jing pei bu kong.

彼時。天放祥光。 彩雲繞戶。 鸞鶴侍衛。 旌旆布空。
At that time, The heaven suddenly filled with auspicious lights. Rainbow-color clouds revolved the place.
Simurgh (a celestial bird) and cranes stood guard. Banners and flags dignified the sky.


Jin mu cheng jiu feng zhi nian. Jia wu se zhi yun.

金母乘九鳳之輦。 駕五色之雲。

Golden Mother rode in a chariot drawn by nine phoenixes. Supported by five colored clouds.


Yi shi. San jiao sheng xian. Ju lai yong hu. Tian hua bin fen. Xian yue jie zou.

一時。 三教聖賢。 俱來擁護。 天花繽紛。 仙樂節奏。

At time, Holy saints of three teachings arrived to give support. Celestial flowers bloomed prosperously. Immortals’ music played rhythmically.

Yu shi jin mu. Bei min dong lin er nu. Fang wu ji zhi guang. Ji yu guang zhong er xuan shuo yue
於是金母。 悲憫東林兒女。 放無極之光。 即於光中而宣說曰。

Hence, Golden Mother empathized her children of East Forest, Radiating the light of primordial, and proclaiming in the light.


Tian cong wu ji zhong kai. Tai ji ri yue san tai. Ri yue yin yang yun zhuan,

天從無極中開。  太極日月三台。 日月陰陽運轉。
Heaven originated from Non-Polar (Primordial). [Gave rise to] three "platforms" of Supreme Polarity, Sun and Moon. Later, sun-moon, yin-yang revolved.


Ren cong yin yang pei tai. Huo wei nan xi wei nu. Jie cong wu ji er lai.

人從陰陽胚胎。 或為男兮為女。 皆從無極而來。

Man arose from the embryo of yin and yang, Then became male or female. All origins traced back to Non-Polar (Primordial).


Zhi wei zhong jian yi dong. Sha shi luo xia chen ai. Duo ru wu zhuo e shi. Tan lian jiu se qi cai.

只為中間一動。 霎時落下塵埃。 墮入五濁惡世。 貪戀酒色氣財。
Due to a deluded action within Non-Polar (Primordial), one plummeted into the defiled world. Polluted by five defilements, Greedily grasped to liquor, sensual pleasure, wealth, and pride.


Yin ci lun hui xuan zhuan. Qing bo yu hai sheng zai. Xue shui zhou liu ke min. Shi hai yi tuo shen ai.
因此輪迴旋轉。 情波慾海生災。 血水週流可愍。 尸骸遺脫甚哀。
Revolved in the cycle of transmigration. Emotions and desires crashed like waves and created catastrophes. Miserably, bloodshed across the earth. Heartbreakingly, body decomposed and scattered everywhere.


Lao mu shou jing zhi ci. Po xin ci lei pin cui.

老母說經至此。 婆心慈淚頻催。

At this point in Mother’s discourse, Her motherly heart throbbed with tears of compassion.


Er shi. Ci hang zun zhe. He zhang gong jing er qing yue. Di zi. Wen mu jin yan.

爾時。 慈航尊者。 合掌恭敬而請曰。 弟子。聞母金言。

Then, Compassion-Travel Mahasattva joined palms and respectfully said. Student heard Mother’s precious teaching.


Wu ji. Ji sheng tai ji. Liang yi you fen san jia. Wan wu you ci er sheng. You fu you ci er mie.

無極。即生太極。 兩儀又分三家。 萬物由此而生。 又復由此而滅。
Non-Polar gave rise to Supreme Polarity. Two Modes (heaven and earth) further separated into three essences. From this, innumerable multitudes of sentient beings were born. Also because of this, they ceased to be.


Hei bu ling qi bu sheng bu mie. Yi mian xue liu man di. Gu tuo ru shan. Qi bu shen xing.

何不令其不生不滅。 以免血流滿地。 骨脫如山。 豈不甚幸。
Why not just let them entering into the state of non-birth and non-cessation? This way, the massive bloodshed and the mountain-high bones pile can be avoided. Wouldn’t this be a great blessing?


Jin mu yue. Tai ji fen pan. Tian di sheng wu zhi xin ye.
金母曰。  太極分判。  天地生物之心也。
Golden Mother replied, The separation of Supreme Polarity, Resulted from the heart of heaven and earth giving birth to the sentient beings.


Xue liu man di. Gu tuo ru shan. Wan wu zi zuo zhi nie ye

血流滿地。 骨脫如山。 萬物自作之孽也。
Massive bloodshed, mountain-high bones pile, Resulted from the misconduct of sentient beings.


Er jin wen ci. Dan you bu sheng bu mie zhi dao. Er wu bu sheng bu mie zhi li.

爾今問此。 但有不生不滅之道。 而無不生不滅之理。

The teachings you now asking for, shall be the path to non-birth and non-cessation, but not the reason of non-birth and non-cessation.


Er Shi Ci hang zun zhe Chang gui zuo qian Gan qing xuan shuo bu sheng bu mie zhi dao

爾時。 慈航尊者。 長跪座前。 敢請宣說不生不滅之道。
Then, the Venerable Compassion-Travel kneeled persistently before the throne, requesting the promulgation of path to non-birth and non-cessation.


Jin mu Fu ying liang jiu yue Ju Wu yu ru Dao zhe. Fan ben zhi yong ye.
金母。 撫膺良久曰。 居。 吾語汝。 道者。 反本之用也。

Golden Mother, feeling great anguish, Held Her heart for a long time, Said, I shall expound you that. Practising Tao, is the cultivation to return to the origin.


Wan wu jie you ben. You ben. Er sheng zhi. You zhi. Er sheng ye. You ye. Er sheng hua. You hua. Er jie guo.

萬物皆有本。 由本。而生枝。   由枝。而生葉。   由葉。而生花。    由花。而結果。

All things come from an origin.  From origin, the branches grow. From branches, the leaves grow. From leaves, the flowers form. From flowers, the fruits ripen.

Ren yu wan wu. Bu tong zhi. Er tong li ye. Ben li. Ze gen sheng. Gen sheng. Zhi ye mao.
人與萬物。 不同質。 而同理也。 本立。則根生。 根生。枝葉茂。
Human and all other things, although different in forms and capacities. Still share the same principle. With strong fundamental,  the roots grow strong. With strong roots, the foliage will be abundant.


Ben ku. Ze gen xiu. Gen xiu. Zhi ye ling. Shi yi xiu dao gu ben. Gu ben zhe he.
本枯。則根朽。 根朽。枝葉零。 是以修道固本。 固本者何。

With weak fundamental, the roots rot. With rotten roots, no leaf will grow. Hence, the cultivation of Tao, is to strengthen the fundamental. But how to strengthen it?


Ren yi xiao ti wei ben. Dao yi jing shen wei ben.

人以孝悌為本。 道以精神為本。

The fundamental of Humanity shall be filial piety and respect for seniority. The fundamental of Tao shall be spirituality and consciousness.


Xiao ti li. Er ren wu kui.    Jing shen zu. Er dao ke xiu. Xiu dao wu ta. Huan quan ben lai mian mu er yi.
孝悌立。而人無愧。      精神足。而道可修。 修道無他。 還全本來面目而已。
By practising filial piety and respect for seniority, One will gain clear conscience. With sufficient spirituality and consciousness, One will righteously cultivate Tao.  Therefore, Tao’s cultivation is no other than regaining one’s origin.

Jing shen cong he chu san chu. Hai cong he chu shou lai.
精神從何處散出。 還從何處收來。

Wherever the spiritual energy and consciousness dissipated, These are the places to retrieve them.

Ci hang zun zhe. Wen mu suo yan. Xin zhong da wu. You fu qi shou qing yue.

慈航尊者。 聞母所言。 心中大悟。 又復稽首請曰。

After hearing Mother’s discourse, Venerable Compassion-Travel attained great realization in her heart, Bowed down again making request.

Di zi yuan shen. Xing meng chan ming dao guo. Gan kou ci bei. Zai shi jie tuo zhi dao. Ke hu.
弟子緣深。 幸蒙闡明道果。 敢叩慈悲。 再示解脫之道。 可乎。

Being profoundly connected, student is fortunate to hear such clear explanation on Tao’s Fruition. Requesting again to show compassion by further explaining the path of liberation.

Jin mu yue. Jie tuo fei nan. Nan zai ding hui. Shen xin da ding. Bian sheng zhi hui.

金母曰。 解脫非難。 難在定慧。 身心大定。 便生智慧。

Golden Mother said: Liberation is not difficult. The hard part is attaining meditative stability and wisdom. When the body and heart achieve great meditative stability, The wisdom will arise naturally.


Zhi hui ji sheng. Jie tuo yi yi. Yu ming jie shuo. Xian chu liu zei

智慧既生。 解脫亦易。 欲明解說。 先除六賊。

After wisdom arose, liberation is easy to attain. To understand this explanation, one must first eliminate six bandits.


Er bu ting sheng. Mu bu shi se. Shen bu chu wu. Yi bu zhao wu. Bi bu wang xiu. Kou bu tan shi.

耳不聽聲。 目不視色。 身不觸污。 意不著物。 鼻不妄嗅。 口不貪食。
Ear shall not attach to sound. Eye shall not distract by form. Body shall not addict to touch. Mind shall not hold onto things. Nose shall not delude by scent. Mouth shall not greed for taste.


Liu zei ji kong. Wu yun zi ming. Shou xiang xing shi. Ru jing jian xing.
六賊既空。 五蘊自明。 受想行識。 如鏡見形。
With six bandits emptied, Five aggregates become self-apparent. The [Form], sensation, conception, volition, and consciousness will be as vivid as the reflection in a mirror.


Wu yun zi ming.  San jia hui he. Jing qi yu shen.  Chang yang huo po.  Shang xia liu tong. He nan jie tuo.
五蘊自明。  三家會合。 精氣與神。  長養活潑。 上下流通。      何難解脫。
After five aggregates become self-apparent, Three essences will join together. The “Spirit” “Energy” and “Consciousness” will be vibrant after prolonged nourishment, and will flow up and down smoothly. At that time, it is not hard to reach liberation.

Ci hang zun zhe. Wen ting mu yan. Xin zhong lang wu. Qi shou jin rong er zuo song yue.

慈航尊者。 聞聽母言。 心中朗悟。 稽首金容而作頌曰。
Venerable Compassion-Travel after hearing Mother’s discourse, Attained clear realization in her heart. Bowing to Golden Mother’s golden complexion, she uttered this verse:


Zi cong wu ji sheng tai ji. Huo wei ren xi. Huo wei wu.

自從無極生太極。 或為人兮。 或為物。

Ever since Supreme Polarity originated from Non-Polar, it transformed into mankind, Or other beings,

Lun hui sheng si ji qian zao. Duo luo you lai nan jie tuo. Bu shi gu ben er xiu shen. You ru shu ku wu zhi ye.

輪迴生死幾千遭。 墮落由來難解脫。 不識固本而修身。 又如樹枯無枝葉。
Since then all beings transmigrated in the cycle of life and death thousands of times. The fallen of morality has made it even harder to reach liberation. Clueless about strengthening the fundamental in order to cultivate oneself, like a rotten tree without branches or leaves.


Yao chi jin mu fa ci bei. Qin jia bai yun fu bei ye
瑤池金母發慈悲。  親駕白雲賦貝葉。
Compassionly, Jade Pond Golden Mother personally rode white clouds and granted advice in rhymed prose on pattra leaves.


Xian yan dao guo he san jia.  Hou shuo zhi hui xu ding li. Liu zei sao chu wu yun kong.

Fan ben huan yuan wei shang zhuo
先言道果合三家。 後說智慧須定力。 六賊掃除五蘊空。 返本還原為上著。

First explained the fruition of Tao and the joining of three essences. Then explained the wisdom coming from strong meditative stability, as well as sweeping away six bandits and emptying five aggregates. And returning to origin to regain original appearance is the wisest decision.

Yao chi shi jia cai nu xian gu song yue. Ci hang dao ren da ci bei. Zhi san zai si qiu jie tuo.

瑤池侍駕彩女仙姑頌曰。 慈航道人大慈悲。 至三再四求解脫。
Jade Pond Royal Attendant Immortal Rainbow Maiden gave this praise: Compassion-Travel Daoist has great compassion, Persistently pleads for the teaching of liberation.


He meng jin mu shuo fen ming. Zhi po tian ji zhen miao jue.
荷蒙金母說分明。 指破天機真妙訣。
With the grace of Golden Mother’s clear explanation, the secrets of Heaven and the genuine sublime instructions have been revealed.

Da cheng zhi sheng xing ru zhi shi tian zun song yue. Ren yi xiao ti wei gen ben.

大成至聖興儒治世天尊頌曰。 人以孝悌為根本。
Celestially Venerated Great Accomplishment Utmost Holy Promulgator of Confucianism to Pacify the World, (Lord Confucius) said this praise: Humanity practises the fundamental teaching of filial piety and respect for seniority.


Dao yi jing shen wei miao yue. Ben li er hou dao zi sheng. Cheng xian cheng fo ping ren zuo.
道以精神為妙樂。 本立而后道自生。 成仙成佛憑人作。
Tao promotes the cultivation of spirituality and consciousness as sublime antidote. Once the fundamental is strengthened, Tao will arise naturally. To become an Immortal or a Buddha, entirely up to the practitioner’s own choice.


Tai shang lao jun zhang jiao tian zun song yue. Qia ru jiu bing yu liang yi.

太上老君掌教天尊頌曰。 恰如久病遇良醫。
Grand Supreme Elderly Lord, Celestially Venerated Lord of Tao’s Teaching praised as follows: Just like a chronically ill patient encounters a skillful physician.


You ru qing tian xian bai he. Quan quan fu ying chao wu qi. San hua ju ding neng tuo ke.
又如青天現白鶴。 拳拳服膺朝五氣。 三花聚頂能脫殼。

Also, like a white crane appears in the clear sky. When cultivating five energies diligently. Three essences will join at the Crown chakra and lead to metamorphosis.


Shi jia mu ni gu fo tian zun song yue. Lao mu zhen yan bu ren mi. Ju ju dou shi bo luo mi
釋迦牟尼古佛天尊頌曰。 老母真言不忍秘。 句句都是波羅蜜。
Celestially Venerated Shakyamuni Buddha said this praise: Genuinely, Golden Mother reveals the secrets. All spoken phrases are Paramita.


Jie tuo ding hui da gong fu. Liu yu zhong sheng zuo zhou ji.
解脫定慧大工夫。 留與眾生作舟楫。
Great cultivation of liberation, meditative stability and wisdom are shared with sentient beings as the vessels of deliverance.

Zhong sheng geng song yi bi. Lao mu shuo jing fang wan. Cai nu shi wei. Luan jia teng kong.

眾聖賡頌已畢。 老母說經方完。  彩女侍衛。  鑾駕騰空。
As numerous saints concluded their praises, Thus concluded Golden Mother’s sermon. Rainbow maidens stood guard as the chariot rose into heaven.


Shi san jiao sheng xian. Shi fang zhu fo. Ding li gong jing. Xin shou feng xing.

時三教聖賢。  十方諸佛。 頂禮恭敬。 信受奉行。
Saints of three holy teachings, Buddhas of Ten Directions. Bowed to pay respect. All faithfully accepted the teachings and dutifully put into practice.


Liu chuan ci jing du shi. Shou yuan ding hui. Hong chen er nu. Zao ye song nian.

流傳此經度世。 收圓定慧。 紅塵兒女。 早夜誦念。
Please propagate this scripture in order to deliver the beings of this world, as well as to retrieve perfection, and to achieve liberation through Meditative Stability and Wisdom. Children who reside in this defiled world. Recite this scripture day and night.


Ji kou ying xin. Xin xin shang chao Jin mu zi pai hu wei shen zhi yong hu. Shen wu mo kao

即口應心。 心心上朝。 金母自派護衛神祗擁護。 身無魔考。
Until impress it on your heart and soul, Aspire every thoughts to ascend. Golden Mother will instantly send protector guardians to provide assistance. Free oneself from all demonic sufferings.


Jia you ping an. Gou you qing tai. Ri nian ci jing. Bao hu an ning.
家有平安。 國有清泰。 日念此經。 保護安寧。

The residential place will be peaceful and the nation will prosper. Recite this scripture during the day, will bring peace and tranquility.


Ye nian ci jing. Meng li wu jin. Xing nian ci jing. Tu di wei ling.

夜念此經。 夢裡無驚。 行念此經。 土地衛靈。

Recite this scripture at night, will grant peaceful dream. Recite this scripture when travel on foot, Earth deities will provide protection.


Zhou che nian ci jing. Lu tu bao chang heng. Nian nian jie qing ji. Kou kou jin chao sheng.

舟車念此經。 旅途保長亨。 念念皆清吉。 口口盡超昇。
Recite this scripture when travel by ship or vehicle, will have a safe journey. Recite it at all times, will purify minds and deliver spirits.


Yao chi jin mu pu du shou yuan ding hui jie tuo zhen jing zhong.

This concludes The Authentic Scripture of Jade Pond Golden Mother’s Universal Deliverance, Retrieval of Perfection, and Liberation through Meditative Stability and Wisdom.


(蓮花曉吟整理/Arranged by Lotus Yin)

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