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Memorial Event at Cemetery

Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Bardo Deliverance 

Sierra Hills Memorial Park & East Lawn Mortuary
5757 Greenback Lane Sacramento, CA 95841. Phone: 916-732-2020 916-331-9800


East Lawn Elk Grove Memorial Park & Mortuary
9189 E. Stockton Blvd, Elk Grove, CA 95624 


Phone: (916) 732-203



Memorial Event

3) 清明節孝思祈福法會:
​Memorial Event:
Emperor Liang Repentance &
Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva Bardo Deliverance 


『釋蓮琪上師、釋蓮才上師』聯合主壇 Conducted by Master Lianchi & Master Liantsai


時間表 Event Schedule:

4/15 (Sun) 

9:30am & 1:30pm 

開懺壇~卷二 (2 Sessions)

4/17 (Tue) ~ 4/19 (Thu) 


卷三~卷八 (2 Sessions Daily)

4/20 (Fri) ~ 4/21 (Sat)


卷九~ 結懺圓滿壇 (1 Session Daily) 

4/22 (Sun) 1:00pm


Ksitigarbha BodhiSattva Bardo Deliverance


Forms download


功德主報名表 (中文)


Main Supplicant 

Registration Form (Eng)



Regular Repentance

Registration Form

Repentance Event

2) 『安奉太歲、各類祈福殿及點光明燈』

Installation of Annual Guardian (Tai Suey) , Various Blessing Halls & Annual Luminous Light

Annual Luminous Light, Installation of Annual Guardian (Tai Suey) Hall,

Medicine Buddha Hall, Prosperity and Fortune Hall, Wisdom Hall, Harmony Hall & Marici Hall for special blessing

今年是『戊戌年 姜武星君』  正沖:屬狗、龍 。  偏沖:屬羊、牛。
2018 Year of Dog Tai Suey is General Jiangwu.
Zodiac in directly conflict: Dog, Dragon

Zodiac in indirect conflict: Sheep, Ox

Generally and secularly, many people may think that Annual Guardian (Tai Suey) propitiation and offering ritual is only required for those whose Zodiac signs are conflicted with Tai Suey of the year. The truth is, in order to promote happiness and longevity, to extinguish personal spiritual obstacles, and to create good spiritual cause, paying respect to Tai Suey of the year is highly recommended to everyone regardless of your Zodiac sign. 

**Special discount will be given to people who are signing up for “seven-in-one” package. Please call for details.**


安奉戊戌年光明燈及太歲報名表 Annual Luminous Light and Dog Year (2018) Tai Suey Offering Form

Tai Suey Event

報名方式 Way to Register


1) 請親自到「薩迦雷藏寺」報名。Visit Sacramento True Buddha Temple personally.

2) 來信報名、傳真或電郵均可,現已接受報名。Mail, fax or email us the registration form.


支票抬頭Please make check payable to :Sacramento True Buddha Temple / STBT



Address: 450 Media Place,

Sacramento, CA 95815

Tel: 916-285-5841

Fax: 916-285-5491

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