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2018 藥師寶懺7壇

Medicine BUddha Repentance

7 Sessions

102018 Med Buddha copy.jpg
10/28 (Sun) 10AM & 1:30PM
上、中卷 、下卷 (1 部)
10/30(Tue) ~ 11/03 (Sat) 1:30PM
卷三 ~ 卷八每日1部
11/04(Sun) 10AM & 1:30PM
上、中卷 、下卷 (1 部)
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Medicine Buddha Event

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功德主報名表 (中文)

Main Supplicant 
Registration Form (Eng)

Regular Registration

拜懺 Repentance



10/21 (Sun) 10:00AM & 1:30PM

上、中卷 ~ 下卷 (1 部)

10/23(Tue) ~ 10/27 (Sat) 1:30PM

卷三 ~ 卷八每日1部

10/28(Sun) 10:00AM & 1:30PM

上、中卷 ~ 下卷 (1 部)

The Medicine Buddha made Twelve Great Vows to protect all living beings from attachment, hatred, ignorance, danger and negative energies or beings.  His vows also grant all beings with whatever they pray for. Once a person repents sincerely, expiates from his/her sins, realizes that dharma is the root medicine for every sufferings, as well as compassion for all, one will be granted with health, wealth, longevity and other wishes that benefits one’s life.


Medi Repent

中元法會 EvenT

  農曆七月是佛教的「孝月」,亦是吉祥月。真佛宗薩加雷藏寺謹訂於8月26日 ~ 9月2日 2018年,啟建 戊戌年 中元普渡{梁皇寶懺}暨 {地藏王菩薩瑜伽焰口超渡大法會},幫助報名眾等懺罪消業,化怨親為貴人,超薦祈禱歷代祖先、七世父母、冤親債主,無主孤魂,業障淨除、蓮品高昇,佛光接引,往生佛國淨土。並兼利陽上眷屬,消災添福、平安吉祥、敬愛和合、工作順利、智慧增長,一切善願所求,皆得如意圓滿。如再配合燒化金紙更能解冤釋結,冥陽兩利,利樂有情,感應殊勝。 

Join our Temple bowing to《Emperor Liang Jeweled Repentance》& enrolling your ancestors for the Ksitigarbha Bardo Event from 8/26 ~ 9/1/2018 are ways to show filial love and appreciation of oneself to the present and past lives parents and ancestors.

Through the grace of dharma from Repentance event, the deceased will be expiated from their sins, thus release them from the lower realms. This is also an ideal way for a living person to make peace with one’s spiritual enemies and debtors.

During the Bardo ceremony, the great vows of Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva will ascend the deceased (ancestors, attached spirits, etc.) to the Pureland or higher realms once their sins have been purified. Joss papers offering is a bonus way to help promoting the harmony between oneself and his/her karma connections. Offering joss papers to your spiritual debtors help repaying your negative karma. Offering joss papers to your ancestors help improving their spiritual status.

      May everyone benefit from this event !

時間表 schedule

8/26 (Sun) 9:30AM & 1:30PM

開懺壇 ~ 卷二

(Opening ~ Vol 1)

8/28(Tue) ~ 8/30 (Thu) 1~5PM

卷三 ~ 卷八

(Vol 3 ~ Vol 8)

8/31 (Fri) ~ 9/1 (Sat) 1 ~ 3PM

卷九 ~ 結懺圓滿壇

(Vol 9 ~ Final)

9/2 (Sun) 1PM


(Ksitigarbha Bardo Deliverance)


歡迎外地善信大德通訊/傳真/電郵報名,不能親臨者,報名亦得佛佑消業增福。 有意做法會主祈人、功德主者,加速消業功德,請聯絡本寺。

The event is open to public. Everyone is welcome to join and receive the blessings.

For out-of-state and overseas registrants, please submit your forms by mail, fax or email. 

For special request or to receive exclusive blessings, please contact us for details.

下載報名表 Forms

功德主報名表 (中文)

Main Supplicant 
Registration Form (Eng)

Regular Registration

拜懺 Repentance
超渡 Bardo
Ullambana Event
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